Potential Install Ideas for Transparent Displays in Museums

All forms of digital signage help bring Museums to life and engage visitors, more info here, but transparent displays have that WOW factor and leave that lasting impression.

They also allow an audience to interact with artefacts from the past without actually touching and damaging them.

As well as adding digital content to the products. Text, video and images can be played on the transparent displays to explain the items within the showcase boxes and bringing them to life.

Please find some case study examples as below for Museum installs;






transparent boxes war museum

Transparent LCD displays aren’t just for jazzing up products in show case boxes they can be used for so much more including food serving station and for getting more attention at trade shows and exhibitions.

You can find a great collection of transparent LCD installs on our case studies page. 

This could give you some great ideas and inspiration for your own transparent masterpiece!

Check out our new 3DP transparent technology here, an incredible innovation with no need for a showcase box!

Or to simply find out more information about this product please visit https://crystal-display.com/products/transparent-lcd/ and to request data sheets please contact the team via email info@crystal-display.com or call the UK main office +44 (0) 1634 327420.