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"Transparent Display with NEW Interactive Touchscreen"

"Amazing transparent touch video promotion" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR7nyfRBy0k . For more information on this and other transparent display offerings please email info@crystal-display.com or go to: https://crystal-display.com/components/displays/transparent-displays/ .

Crystal Displays partners with General Touch across Europe

Crystal Displays now offers the excellent range of General Touch touchscreen monitors.  These superb monitors are designed and manufactured with special consideration for excellent performance, space-saving, cost-effectiveness. Excellent touch solutions…

NEW Mobile TFTs launched by Crystal Display Systems

Many new applications involve displays.  Everywhere the visual feedback is generated by displays. This enabled display (glass) suppliers to create new products that are now also available for the industry…

Optrex merges with Kyocera

December 27th , 2011 . Shareholder Change of OPTREX Group . OPTREX Corporation (“OPTREX”) has been a company owned by investment funds primarily managed by Japan Industrial Partners, Inc. (“JIP”) since…