Uncategorized Blog Posts

WOW-Factor 3D Holographic LED Fan Displays

Low cost unique display that catches everyone's eye both up close and from a distance. The impressive single-bladed device can create a vivid 3D holographic animation making the blade behind…

Ultimate Ultra Wide Stretched Range

We have an amazing range of Ultra-wide stretched panels, kits and housed monitors including interactive multi touch which can be utilised in any application. Our stretched line up includes a…

Brand New Monitor Line Offering Best Quality

CDS opens it’s brand new Monitor production line to give its customers the best quality and reliability for its wide range of monitors and touch monitors. Directors Chris Bartram and…

CDS Still Offer SAW Touchscreen Monitors

Although CDS has a wide range of PCAP monitors as this technology has become more popular we still offer standard Sound Acoustic Wave (SAW) touchscreen monitors to meet your exact…

Large Format Open Framed Monitors

CDS has added to its range of large format open frame monitors and touch monitors (32”-65”) to meet a number of Industrial and Gaming / Casino applications that are looking…

Customised Rugged Open Frame Monitors

CDS offers custom open frame monitors and multi touch monitors to meet all its industrial and Gaming / Casino customers demands, despite having the widest range of open frame monitors…