1chris bartram nationals doubles winner

Celebrating Chris Bartram: Triumph at the Table Tennis Nationals Doubles

Chris Bartram wins another national VETTS title

In the world of table tennis, dedication and perseverance are essential for success, especially when competing at the national level. Chris Bartram, Managing Director of CDS, demonstrated these qualities in abundance during his recent performance at the Table Tennis Nationals. A bit delayed but very pleased (relieved probably more accurate!), we’re thrilled to highlight Chris’s outstanding achievement as he clinched another national VETTS title, this time in the doubles category.

Team Work Makes the Dream Work

Partnering with long-time friend and doubles partner Andy Trott, Chris’s road to victory was not without its challenges. Despite limited practice and match play leading up to the competition, Chris and Andy’s experience and synergy on the table shone through. As the day progressed, Chris found his rhythm, and the duo’s determination paid off. After Andy had narrowly missed out on the title in the last two years with different partners, the pair decided that the third time would be the charm—and indeed it was. Their triumph was all the more special with a presentation from the legendary John Hilton, a former European champion.

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Mixing it up

While Chris and Andy’s victory was a significant highlight, it wasn’t the only story from the weekend. Chris also competed in the mixed doubles alongside his talented partner, Jurate Brazaityte. The duo showcased their skills by defeating the Hungarian winner of the 40s singles and his partner, only to face a tough challenge against a formidable Chinese player and his partner in the following round. Despite coming up short, Chris took the result in stride, acknowledging that with a bit more fitness, practice, and perhaps a few years younger, the outcome might have been different.

Is it the end?

The competition was undoubtedly well-organised, and Chris enjoyed every moment of it. While his success in the doubles was a satisfying conclusion to the event, there was a touch of bittersweetness as Chris reflected on his future in the sport. The toll of injuries and the demands of high-level competition have made it increasingly difficult to compete in singles events. Yet, as Chris humbly admits, securing a national title before the weekend was more than he could have hoped for.

chris bartram nationals doubles winner

Chris Bartram’s journey in table tennis has been remarkable, filled with countless victories and memories. Although this may be his last competition, his legacy and contribution to the sport will undoubtedly endure. We congratulate Chris on his incredible achievement and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours, both on and off the table.

Good luck to everyone in the forthcoming season! 👏👏🏓

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