An Interview with Chris Bartram, Managing Director of CDS, on the Impact of ISO 9001

how making Improvements to our quality processes lead to improvements overall

To succeed in the displays industry, maintaining a standard of quality that not only meets but exceeds customer expectations is critical. For CDS, achieving ISO 9001 certification was a significant milestone. We sat down with Chris Bartram, the Managing Director of CDS, to discuss how this certification has propelled the company to the next level. Chris shared his insights on the tangible and intangible benefits that ISO 9001 brought to CDS, providing a comprehensive look at the advantages of adopting this internationally recognised standard.

Q: How has ISO 9001 certification impacted the credibility and image of CDS among your customers and suppliers?

Chris: “ISO 9001 has significantly enhanced our credibility and image. As a smaller company, it’s often challenging to convey our commitment to quality solely through words or emails. The certification provides a tangible benchmark that our customers and suppliers can trust, reflecting our dedication to maintaining high standards.”

Q: Did obtaining ISO 9001 certification open doors to new business opportunities for CDS?

Chris: “Absolutely. For instance, major organizations like GE Aviation and military companies like British Aerospace often require suppliers to have ISO 9001 certification. Without it, they might not have considered doing business with us. The certification has definitely paid for itself by enabling us to secure orders from such large clients.”

Q: In terms of customer satisfaction, how has ISO 9001 influenced your company's approach?

Chris: “ISO 9001 has undoubtedly improved our customer satisfaction. When issues arise, the standard’s framework helps us address them systematically. We’ve embedded this approach into our process files, ensuring that we not only resolve current problems but also prevent them from recurring. This continuous improvement helps us consistently meet customer expectations.”

Q: Can you elaborate on how the certification has influenced your process integration at CDS?

Chris: “The certification process made us scrutinize our workflows more intensely. We didn’t just look at how things were done; we focused on how they *should* be done. This introspection led to better process integration, allowing us to refine and standardize our procedures. Now, we can repeat these processes reliably, which is crucial for maintaining quality.”

Q: How has the ISO 9001 certification affected decision-making within the company?

Chris: “It has transformed our decision-making process. Now, decisions are based on documented evidence rather than gut feelings or improvisation. This structured approach ensures consistency in our actions and helps us avoid repeating the same mistakes. We can now justify our decisions with solid data, which is a game-changer.”

Q: Would you say ISO 9001 has fostered a culture of continual improvement at CDS?

Chris: “Yes, it has. While it might sound grandiose, the standard has instilled a mindset of continual improvement across the team. It encourages everyone to think critically about their work and how it can be made more efficient and effective. This culture shift is invaluable for our long-term growth.”

Q: How has employee engagement been influenced by the implementation of ISO 9001?

Chris: “Employee engagement has definitely increased. Our staff had to gain a deep understanding of our processes, not just how they thought things should be done. This deeper involvement has empowered them to provide valuable feedback for process improvements, which, in turn, has made them more productive.”

Q: What role does the customer play in your ISO 9001 processes?

Chris: “The customer is at the heart of everything we do. From the outset, we’ve focused on optimizing our processes from the customer’s perspective. This customer-centric approach ensures that our services and products consistently meet or exceed customer expectations.”

Q: Could you describe how ISO 9001 influenced the implementation of your Salesforce CRM system?

Chris: “When we implemented the Salesforce CRM system, we used a process-oriented approach inspired by ISO 9001. We started with rough flow diagrams on a whiteboard, refining them until we had a clear, understandable process. This clarity made it much easier to explain the system to the rest of the team, ensuring everyone understood what we were doing and why.”

Q: Overall, how has ISO 9001 changed the perception of CDS as a company?

Chris: “Going through the ISO 9001 certification process has made us feel—and be seen as—a more professional organisation. Although it wasn’t initially my area of expertise, the benefits have been undeniable. It was a crucial step in making us more systematic and polished.”

Q: Can you give an example of how ISO 9001 helped integrate different functions within CDS?

Chris: “The certification helped streamline integration between various functions, such as sales, purchasing, and logistics. Now, each department understands where their responsibilities end and the next team’s begin, creating a seamless transition that enhances efficiency.”


The adoption of ISO 9001 has been a pivotal moment for CDS, driving improvements across the board. The certification not only bolstered the company’s credibility and opened doors to new business but also fostered a culture of continual improvement. It enhanced process integration, standardized decision-making, and increased employee engagement. By putting the customer at the centre of all processes, CDS has optimized its operations to better meet client needs. Ultimately, these advancements have transformed CDS into a more professional and efficient organization, poised for continued growth and success.

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