Uncategorized Blog Posts

The Impressive MPC175-873 in Multiple Medical Applications

The Impressive MPC175-873 is a high-performance 17-inch, fanless medical panel PC perfect for medical image processing and medical measuring instrument applications, specifically designed for the medical environment. The Medical Panel…

COMING SOON Transparent OLED, Who’s Excited?

TRANSPARENT OLED IS COMING SOON!!!... ...and CDS are very excited about it, can you tell? This amazing technology will open up so many new opportunities for the transparent market and…

The 12.1″ GOT5120T-834 goes into a Fertilization Plant

The high-performance and reliable 12.1” GOT5120T-834, an advanced graphics processing panel PC has been implemented into a large transporter of grain's automation system at their fertilizer plant. The Panel PC was perfect…

CDS are Looking for a Sales Support Executive

Sales Support Executive Job Purpose: Help the company achieve continued growth by supporting and working in sales, marketing and logistics, as well as other areas of the business as and when…