Download our PCAP PLUS Presentation

Take a look at our new presentation on our PCAP+ solutions. This is our incredible through touch technology that can touch through existing glass up to 6mm (as previously tested…

What is PCAP PLUS Thru Touch?

Everything is possible with the CDS PCAP+ Thru glass technology, creating the most amazing touch experience. The construction; The chassis monitor is assembled with a simple 1.8mm touch glass fitted…

Aerospace Displays From CDS

  CDS have a wide array of products designed and developed for Aerospace applications. We have focused our entire range on high quality, industrial grade products to ensure our solutions…

CDS Medical Display Range

We have an extensive range of displays designed and developed for the medical industry, fully supporting the needs of demanding conditions in medical environments. Our monitors are built entirely with…

Displays for Instrumentation From CDS

The process automation and instrumentation market is expected to increase leading to the increased importance of reduced operating costs and production efficiency, adoption of digital technologies, increased adoption of industrial…