Sunlight Readable, High Res Industrial Grade 3.5inch TFT LCD

Check out our impressive and industrial grade 3.5" Sunlight Readable TFT LCD display with high resolution and high brightness. An impressive industrial grade panel for integration within multiple industries, a flexible small scale TFT display.…

The Mimo USB Touch2 Steps into the Limelight

MIMO Touch2 USB monitor is the most affordable free-standing USB-driven touchscreen monitor adding useful desktop space with plug-n-play devices. Screen can be rotated to display in landscape or portrait modes,…

WOW The Magic Touch Deluxe 2 – The Amazing UM-1070!

UM-1070, once again delivers an industry-first with the Magic Touch 10" secondary monitor with the amazing responsiveness of capacitive touch! Capacitive sensing technology has revolutionized the smart phone and tablet…