CDS Transparent OLED Update

The transparent OLED is very newly launched so we are still putting all the details together for it. The LG base spec for the OLED module is now available, they…

New 23.6 inch Custom Transparent LCD Showcase

Newly designed 23.6 inch portrait transparent LCD showcase box. Three designs available; PCAP touch, Android and Windows. Key Spec Info;  Display Area: 524 x 296 mm Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Contrast:…

CDS Transparent LCD Manufacturing Process

Crystal Display Systems LTD, as Europe’s foremost supplier of Transparent LCD solutions, opened up its manufacturing process and capabilities in the following video to share and show their customers. We…

Touch Transparent Screen in Motorised Restaurant

Here at CDS, we are always amazed with the installations integrators and designers alike create together. We particularly are blown away with transparent LCDs being integrated into fast food restaurants.…